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Wednesday 11 June 2014

DIY Tea Towel Cushions

Hi guys, for my first DIY here at Eight & Sixteen I wanted to share with you a different use for tea towels.
There are so many cute designs to be found on tea towels these days, it just doesn't seem right to reserve them for bubbly dishes. But, with just two tea towels you can make yourself a pair of cushions like these - here's how:

1. Take two tea towels, fold them in half lengthways and cut along the fold.

2. You now have two front and two back pieces for your cushion covers.

3. Measure the length of your back fabric piece and cut off 1/3.

4. Flip the two back pieces so that the already hemmed edges overlap by 5cm.

5. Pin the two pieces together at the overlap and then lay them on top of the front fabric piece. Trim away any excess fabric from the front piece.

6. Pin your front and back pieces right sides together and sew all four sides with a 1.5cm seam allowance.

7. Backstitch where the two back fabric pieces overlap for extra strength.

8. Trim the corners to create a neater point when you turn the fabric out.

9. Remove the pins from the overlap on the two back pieces and turn the cushion the right way out through the opening. Press all seams.

Stuff your cushion covers with pads and you're all finished!

• Buy a slightly larger sized pad than your cover for an extra plump cushion!
• If you'd like a larger cushion, simply ignore steps 1 & 2, and use whole tea towels for the front and back pieces.

We'd love to hear from you if you give this DIY a go - use the hash tag #eightandsixteen to share your photos with us!



  1. This is lovely. I always adore the fabric used in teatowels, it always has the best texture. Another DIY idea going on the to-do list! You guys are killing it, can tell this is going to be my favourite spot to come to for inspiration
    Chambray & Curls /

    1. Totally agree about the texture Laura :)
      Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say xx

  2. These are awesome and SUCH a good idea! I reiterate that the patterns are always great and I always try to think of what they could be used for- I normally dont get much further than "frame them".

    1. Thank you Sophie :) oooh, you know what, I never would have thought to frame them! Doh xx


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