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Friday 6 June 2014

Craft To Learn: Calligraphy

Welcome to the first instalment in our Craft To Learn series! Every month, we will be sharing new crafts with you that we want to learn, and share our progress with you along the way. First up, it's calligraphy.

To me, calligraphy is a beautiful form of art.
It's so unique, so full of expression, and such a great talent to have.
Handwriting and fonts can be so much fun to play around with, and I think that calligraphy is a perfect example of this.

I have a dip pen and set of nibs, the "Calligraphy for Dummies" book to hand, and a moleskin gridded sketchbook at the ready.

I'll post an update soon with what I've learnt, how I'm getting on, and maybe even an example or two!

Have you ever tried calligraphy? Send me your links if you have examples, I'm always looking for more inspiration :)



  1. My aunt used to be so good at this, I feel like I'd suck!


    1. I think it will take a lot of practice, but I'd love to be able to master some basics. Being left handed also makes it a little more interesting! :)


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