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Wednesday, 24 December 2014

PinTest: Hama/Perler Bead Spinning Tops

diy pinterest test spinning tops from hama perler beads
diy pinterest test spinning tops from hama perler beads

The inspiration for today's PinTest came from various Pins including this one which show how you can easily make your own colourful spinning tops with just a few Hama beads and a cocktail stick - perfect for a Christmas Eve crafting session! I love using these beads as there's so many great little projects you can create with them from simple toys like this to jewellery, decorations and more - the possibilities are endless!

All you need to do to make your own spinning tops is create your design on a circular peg board, cover with ironing paper and iron to fuse the beads together. Whilst still warm, carefully push a cocktail stick through the centre of your beads and trim down the other end to use as a handle.

This quick project is not just simple but is also a lot of fun to make and would be perfect for a rainy day!

We'd love to hear from you if you try out this or any of our other DIY projects - use the hashtag #eightandsixteen to share your photos with us.



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